Thought Leadership Essays

Viewing posts from August, 2008

Global Echoes and Public Affairs

author"s portrait Issues of great importance in one part of the world are spreading like ripples across the globe with ramifications for the public affairs agenda. Carolyn Tieger looks at two developments that have reverberated loudly between continents.

Asia Embraces CSR

author"s portrait As NGOs proliferate across Asia and their influence grows, CSR issues are receiving greater attention in the boardroom. Glenn Schloss reports.

Ukraine – Not for the Faint Hearted

author"s portrait Unethical PR practices in Ukraine are proving hard to dislodge due to endemic corruption, inadequate corporate disclosure rules and the complicity of some multinationals active in the country. However, says Martin Nunn, some positive steps are being taken.

Reaching India’s Affluent 300 Million

author"s portrait India is one of the world’s largest economies, with an estimated middle and upper class consumer market of around 300 million people. Varsha Marathe looks at some key requirements for a successful PR campaign in this complex and fast expanding market.

When Foreign Businesses Mismanage Crises in Korea

author"s portrait Crisis management expert Kim Kyong-Hae explains why some foreign companies have fared badly in Korea when trouble strikes.

Emerging with Credibility Intact

author"s portrait Local relevance and evidence that your business is committed for the long term are crucial if you are to conduct PR successfully across emerging markets. By Peter Heydenrych.

Scope and diversity:IPRA's annual Golden World Awards

author"s portrait The forthcoming IPRA World Congress promises to be an educational, cultural and networking event like no other, bringing many leading communicators face to face in the country of the moment. By Robert W. Grupp.

Shining a Light on Sight

author"s portrait Leslie Gottlieb offers up a public relations prescription for an international health epidemic.

Lessons from the Chinese Blogosphere

author"s portrait As the eyes of the world focus on Beijing for this month’s Olympic Games, Tim Gingrich looks at the growing ‘people power’ of social media in China.

Wooing Visitors to Wellington

author"s portrait Esmé Gibbins explains the role PR plays in promoting a destination
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