Thought Leadership Essays

Viewing posts from April, 2008

Misunderstood in South Africa

author"s portrait Public Relations still struggles to gain respect in South Africa, argues Samantha Watt.

Small is Big

author"s portrait Lucy Siegel, president and CEO of Bridge Global Strategies, New York, has been elected president of Public Relations Boutiques International, the network which launched in January. Here she outlines the thinking behind this move.

Surveying New Zealand’s Unique Media Landscape

author"s portrait Grant Thornton uses two major annual surveys to boost its media coverage in New Zealand. Peter Sherwin provides the detail on how this is done.

The Art of Conversation

author"s portrait Twenty-first century brand marketing and communications require us to be versed in the art of conversation not the art of war, says Leo Rayman.

Dresdner Ball Street

author"s portrait Germany’s Dresdner Bank has successfully linked football to financial trading through an online game. Ulrich Porwollik describes the communication activity surrounding the online platform that has helped turn football fans into brokerage customers.

Trust Me, The Citizen

author"s portrait The latest wave of Edelman’s respected Trust Barometer research indicates how in the web 2.0 age of conversation, citizens feel more empowered to join forces and push for change. By Robert Phillips.

Bright Ideas Power PR at Toronto Hydro

author"s portrait PR is an enabler of corporate business strategy at Canadian electricity company Toronto Hydro. Blair Peberdy explains how it powers successful community relations activity during major infrastructure projects and lights up green programs.

Gulf PR Industry Booms

author"s portrait Middle East PR veteran and chairman of MEPRA Jack Pearce says prospects will remain strong for the foreseeable future.

Life in China’s Consumer Fast Lane

author"s portrait John Orme, president of Shunya International, Porter Novelli’s new partner agency in China, has been living in Beijing for the last 12 months, developing the agency’s resource base to handle international and national client needs.

Sporting Scandals Threaten Brands

author"s portrait No organisation today is immune from a potential scandal, particularly if your brand is aligned in some way with the business of sport. Bridget Marcou offers guidance on keeping brand damage to a minimum in the event of a crisis.
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