Thought Leadership Essays

Viewing posts from September, 2013

ITL #42 A shot in the arm against flu: using communications to boost participation in new vaccination programmes

author"s portrait Confidence in vaccination programmes is a fragile thing. What can be learnt from the UK’s plans to give the flu jab to healthy children? By Judith Moore.

ITL #41 The strategic communications imperative: shaping the future in our interdependent world

author"s portrait Global economies have become so tightly interconnected that companies, governments and entire industries must cooperate in ways that were unimaginable a few years ago. By Robert W. Grupp.

ITL #40 The Power of Purpose: why corporate storytelling must evolve in this era of radical transparency

author"s portrait Research among global companies underlines the fact that the key to survival lies in identifying and communicating corporate purpose. By Daniel Rolle.

ITL #39 Bachelor for a day: How to leverage one day in the studio and saturate the airwaves

author"s portrait You’re in the fortunate position of having a celebrity spokesperson at your disposal for a whole day. So how do you optimize their time to deliver the maximum possible exposure and impact? By Risë Birnbaum.
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