Thought Leadership Essays

ITL #581 Greenwashing risk: the state of play around the world

author"s portrait The air is getting thinner for corporate greenwashing across the world as governments adopt new laws against false green claims. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #544 ‘Climate washing’ litigation: How to prepare for global action against greenwashing

author"s portrait Amid new anti-greenwashing legislation, businesses need to review and strengthen their communications in line with demands for truthful, evidence-based sustainability claims. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #519 Net zero communications: how to effectively communicate sustainability efforts

author"s portrait Organizations must clearly show where they stand, where they want to go, which steps they are taking and the progress they are making. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #472 SDG17 Partnerships: meeting expectations in multi-stakeholder initiatives

author"s portrait Of all the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG17, Partnerships to Achieve the Goals, stands out given most sustainability challenges cannot be solved alone. But how can companies live up to societal expectations regarding strategic partnerships? By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #463 Climate change: new IPRA Chapter enables much needed exchange and global cooperation

author"s portrait Communication and effective stakeholder engagement are the key drivers to support true transformation and help achieve the UN 1.5°C target. This takes the whole PR profession. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #437 From ‘Eau de Holiday’ to ‘Sunrise Chasers’: covid-19 unleashes PR creativity

author"s portrait Sitting on the IPRA Golden World Awards 2021 jury showed how covid-19 has brought the strongest sides of the PR industry to light. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #409 Decisive moment: CSR drives resilience for covid-19 recovery

author"s portrait The year of the pandemic may have been a watershed for CSR. But a gap remains between what people want companies to prioritize, and what companies do. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #365 The covid-19 pandemic: lessons for the climate crisis

author"s portrait There’s much to be learnt from comparing the coronavirus and climate change crises. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #331 Change leadership: the new thought leadership for climate challenge

author"s portrait Communicators have a vital role to play in building the partnerships needed to solve climate change issues. By Daniel Silberhorn.
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