Thought Leadership Essays

Viewing posts from June, 2009

Opportunities and Threats in Belgium

author"s portrait The Belgian economy has been hard hit by the international downturn but the country nevertheless offers a number of opportunities for communications professionals, says Dian Wahlen.

Kit Launch is a Roaring Success

author"s portrait Raoul Shah explains how anticipation and excitement were stoked up for the launch of the 2009 version of the England football kit.

A Vision for Living the Brand

author"s portrait In an extract from his new book The Global Corporate Brand Book, Michael Morley offers guidance on successful branding.

Making Sense of Digital Preferences

author"s portrait Carlos A. Mazalán on separate pieces of research into the digital channels preferred by journalists and the attitudes of technology companies to corporate blogging.

LatAm’s New Media Reality

author"s portrait Vivian Kobeh assesses the new reality of Latin American media in which social networking sites, blogs and Twitter play an increasingly important role.

How Good PR Can Drive Sales

author"s portrait Measuring PR’s return on investment has long been a struggle for agencies and in-house departments, and heightened scrutiny of budgets has only increased the pressure to identify more scientific approaches to determining effectiveness. Joachim Klewes share

Effective CSR in Developing Markets

author"s portrait Only by building meaningful alliances, staying true to corporate values and working hand-in-hand with local communities to deliver on shared aims can businesses secure a credible reputation for themselves. By José L. Ibarra.

Get Paid to Save the World

author"s portrait Melody Haller offers a perspective on how PR practitioners can draw on their strengths and career expertise to move into the world of sustainable and environmental Public Relations.

Africa’s Plurality Presents Public Affairs Challenges

author"s portrait The diverse nature of Africa’s political and economic landscape gives public affairs practitioners active in the Continent plenty to consider. By Nomalungelo Faku.

A New Paradigm for Crisis Communication

author"s portrait n order to emerge from the quagmire of a crisis with reputation intact, organisations need to court stakeholders and build alliances strong enough to withstand media attack. By Stephen Elliott.
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