Thought Leadership Essays

IPRA thought leadership essays deliver relevant content for anyone involved in international communications. They provide insight on the live issues that matter in the fast-changing world of Public Relations.

ITL #585 Don’t just repost: how to seize the full potential of LinkedIn

author"s portrait Get comfortable posting original content that is informative, relevant and has a clear point of view. By Andrew Marshall.

ITL #584 Empowering organizations: a strategic public relations model for enhancing market cap

author"s portrait A strategic public relations model with market value at its core has helped mining and minerals company MIDHCO overcome a crisis with its reputation enhanced. By Dr. Saeed Philsouphian.

ITL #583 Innovation, technology and creativity: beyond formats

author"s portrait Creativity is what makes communication more than just information. By Núria Vilanova.

ITL #582 Progress over perfection: why action is needed to drive positive change in 2024

author"s portrait Mars has broken the link between the growth of its business and the growth of its carbon footprint. By Andy Pharoah.

ITL #581 Greenwashing risk: the state of play around the world

author"s portrait The air is getting thinner for corporate greenwashing across the world as governments adopt new laws against false green claims. By Daniel Silberhorn.

ITL #580 Donald Trump on trial: his PR plan hits roadblocks as he becomes the first former U.S. president ever convicted of a crime

author"s portrait What is the Trump PR strategy really all about? Attack, deflect, and delay. By Andrew Blum.

ITL #579  The future of AI: ethical development, regulation and education take center stage

author"s portrait Key guidelines to help communications leaders ensure organisations uphold claims of trustworthy and responsible AI development. By Svetlana Stavreva.

ITL #578   Thinking like engineers: how public relations can help businesses win in the ‘era of less’

author"s portrait Four ways to innovate and build more effective communications at a time when marketing budgets are squeezed. By Brendon Craigie.

ITL #577   Tell the truth and tell it fast: crisis communications in an 'always-on' world

author"s portrait Businesses that are prepared, nimble and honest are better able to survive a crisis. By Nicky James.

ITL #576 The appreciation test: artificial communication in the light of evolution

author"s portrait The age of AI in organizational communication has already begun, but there is a test it may never pass. By Jens Seiffert-Brockmann.
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