Thought Leadership Webinars 2024
Building on the IPRA weekly Thought Leadership essays, the IPRA Thought Leadership webinars are a series of free events.
We will provide insight and forthright opinion on the key trends and live issues that matter in the fast-changing world of public relations. The webinars will enhance your knowledge, challenge assumptions and precipitate discussion.
By registering for these free events, you recognise that IPRA has conducted a Legitimate Interest Assessment and relies on the grounds of Reasonable expectation, and a Relevant & appropriate relationship. These grounds cover population of our database with the email addresses and related personal information of webinar attendees. All IPRA bulk emails have an automatic unsubscribe function. IPRA privacy statement
Latest Ipra ITL:
ITL #592 The formula for trust: the foundation of reputation
ITL #591 Prof. James E. Grunig: moral behavior does not occur without study, research, and reflection
ITL #590 AI in PR and communications: will it change anything at all?
ITL #589 A valuable two-way street: unlocking the power of mentoring in global public relations and communications