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Press Room

IPRA's latest news and notifications

Jane Hammond In Memoriam

IPRA pays its respects to Jane Hammond who has passed away at the age of 86. Jane was a much loved and appreciated member of IPRA and was awarded IPRA emeritus status in 2018.

Message from the IPRA President: A year for trust and diversity January 2021

First, please accept my very best wishes to you and your loved ones for 2021. I wish you all peace and good health, and many beautiful moments of joy.

Message from the IPRA President: 10, 9, 8, 7...The silver lining of a challenging year

As we count down to Christmas and New Year, I want to thank you again. Last December, when I was writing my end of year message to you, I wished for a very special 2020. You would agree with me that 2020 turned out to be uniquely special and uniquely challenging, not just for us in IPRA, but for the whole world.

Spread the key messages of the UN Climate Ambition Summit 2020

IPRA is an active partner with various agencies of the United Nations. In this context IPRA is asking its members worldwide to spread awareness of the UN Climate Ambition Summit 12 December 2020 and to amplify the summit’s key messages. The Summit is a key step in the lead up to COP26 to be held in Glasgow in 2021.

Georgia and IPRA in PR pact

IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, has signed a partnership agreement with the newly-founded Georgian PR Professionals Association. Under the agreement, inter alia, the organisations will exchange information, share publications and help promote the ethical development of the PR profession.

IPRA supports better access to the UN and its agencies

IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, has given its support to an initiative from The Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) which calls for better access for NGOs to the various agencies of the UN which regularly consult with civil society. The CoNGO statement was sent to the UN on 30 November 2020.

Message from the IPRA President: Unlocking new opportunities December 2020

It has been a busy few weeks during which I have had the pleasure to virtually connect with many of you. In Iran, I delivered the keynote video-address to the 16th International Public Relations Symposium in Tehran. This event is traditionally endorsed by IPRA and two other IPRA board members also presented to the symposium. Then, in a video message, I spoke on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the PR Society in Japan and I was able to use this opportunity to congratulate our Golden World Award winning colleagues in Japan once again! IPRA members had the chance to join the 6th FOCUS Conference, endorsed by us, and organised exclusively online this year by Croatia-based Golden World Award winner Apriori World.

FOCUS on communication in the public sector

IPRA members are virtually invited to Croatia. The 6th FOCUS conference on innovation and communication in public administration takes place from the 25 – 26 November 2020.  The conference, organised by Croatia-based GWA winner Apriori World, will be taking place exclusively on-line this year. The event has been endorsed by IPRA. And what’s more it is free to attend.

Only PR has the skills to navigate today’s complex relationships, Philippe Borremans IPRA President elect 2021

Philippe Borremans is the new President of the International Public Relations Association.

Message from the IPRA President: It’s more important than ever to connect to IPRA   October – November 2020

Beyond UN75

UN’s next fake news initiative resonates with IPRA proposal

IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, reported earlier its opinion that fake news is an under-recognized challenge that inhibits achieving the various goals of the UN. This was a key finding of a global member outreach conducted by IPRA as its contribution to the UN75 dialogue. In its submission IPRA called on the UN Secretary General to declare a day annually to bring worldwide attention to the UN’s own Share Verified initiative. We are thus delighted to report that the UN is indeed doing just that.

IPRA: your PR lifeline online

Dear IPRA members, forget the doom and gloom, let the sun shine in. Allow me to provide an update on how IPRA is thriving during the current pandemic, along with some helpful research and links.

2020 Global Contribution winner continues pro-bono work for Croatian charity

IPRA reported earlier this month that the 2020 GWA Global Contribution Award given for PR with an objective of meeting one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals went to Soaps With Dots from Croatian agency Apriori World for their client The Zagreb Association for the Blind.

Message from the IPRA President: Helping business redesign for long-term success September 2020

As the UN turns 75, IPRA urges a global fight on fake news

Fake news is a main and under-recognized challenge that inhibits achieving the UN goals. This was a key finding of a global member outreach conducted in July by IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, as its contribution to the UN75 dialogue.

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