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Viewing posts from September, 2014

Press Room

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European 2014 special award for digital inclusion honours Bulgarian PR campaign for young women’s literacy

The “Special award for 2014 for PR with an objective of progress in digital inclusion within the EU” went to Bulgarian PR agency United Partners, on behalf of their client Procter and Gamble and their brand “Always”. “Always” made donations equipping 10 Bulgarian schools with suites that turn school classes into exciting interactive experiences.

Muhtar Kent, Coca-Cola Company chairman and CEO has received the 2014 IPRA President's Award

IPRA 2014 President Dr. Zehra Güngör presented the IPRA President's Award to The Coca Cola Company Chairman & CEO Muhtar Kent in Istanbul at the luncheon reception.

Message from IPRA President - September 2014

Although August is referred to as “holiday time”, it is also a great time to prepare for the upcoming autumn period and the coming year.  Last month while managing relations with other international organizations, IPRA also continued its work for the GWA Gala (Istanbul Friday 14 November 2014) and the World Congress featuring the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of IPRA in Johannesburg (Sunday 27 September – Tuesday 29 September 2015).  

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