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Viewing posts from November, 2020

Press Room

IPRA's latest news and notifications

FOCUS on communication in the public sector

IPRA members are virtually invited to Croatia. The 6th FOCUS conference on innovation and communication in public administration takes place from the 25 – 26 November 2020.  The conference, organised by Croatia-based GWA winner Apriori World, will be taking place exclusively on-line this year. The event has been endorsed by IPRA. And what’s more it is free to attend.

Only PR has the skills to navigate today’s complex relationships, Philippe Borremans IPRA President elect 2021

Philippe Borremans is the new President of the International Public Relations Association.

Message from the IPRA President: It’s more important than ever to connect to IPRA   October – November 2020

Beyond UN75

Welcome to IPRA


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