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Viewing posts from September, 2016

Press Room

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Message from the IPRA President: Season of Mists September 2016

The start of Autumn in Europe is perhaps a far cry from the desert heat of the Gulf region, but that is still the area with the key attention of IPRA these days. We are hard at work putting the final touches on the organisation the first Golden World Awards Gala in Doha, Qatar. IPRA’s Board Member Jassim Fahkroo is our man on the ground there and he promises all who attend a rather special experience.

IPRA Asian Task Force supports Comms for UN’s NGO conference in Korea

The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Asian Task Force made a substantial contribution to informing NGOs and others about the 66th UN DPI/NGO Conference in Korea, a fact that was reflected in the excellent participation from the region: 3,750 attendees, most of them from Asia. The strategy of reaching out to media audiences by local/regional public relations professionals is certain to be considered for other important NGO events.

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