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Viewing posts from July, 2021

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PR campaigns on Romanian Hygge and chasing the sunrise are among the winners of the 2021 IPRA Golden World Awards

The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA): the world’s most prestigious PR awards scheme, announces today a total of 93 winners for 2021. Many entries tackled health issues including responses to covid-19, while others were about turning previously live events into virtual ones.

Message from the IPRA President: Over the horizon July August 2021

For many of us, July and August are usually when we start making plans for vacations. We look forward to discovering new cultures, enjoying nature or simply spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, both the pandemic and the climate crisis have affected many, if not all, of us. The rise in covid-19 cases around the world, the terrible floodas in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, the largest wildfire ever recorded in the United States ... one could think that the world is out of control.

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