Message from the IPRA President: Over the horizon July August 2021
3 years, 6 months ago
For many of us, July and August are usually when we start making plans for vacations. We look forward to discovering new cultures, enjoying nature or simply spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, both the pandemic and the climate crisis have affected many, if not all, of us. The rise in covid-19 cases around the world, the terrible floodas in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, the largest wildfire ever recorded in the United States ... one could think that the world is out of control.
Being in control
But these crises also show what we can do when we pool our resources, support and protect each other, and believe in a positive outcome. From wearing a mask even if you are fully vaccinated because you want to protect others, to volunteering to help your local fire department ... we can all help in many ways. Helping and playing an active role in the communities we are a part of is an important first step in taking control of a situation.
PR is in control
It is a pleasure to see this reflected in many of the submissions we are currently assessing for the Golden World Awards for Excellence in PR and it proves again that transparent communication is at the heart of strong communities. We also saw this with the recent webinar on public affairs and public relations with Andras Baneth. The recording is available here. Collaboration between our two professions combined with the communities they are part of was clearly at the heart of the case studies discussed.
So while we take a break, let us not forget that each of us is part of a larger network; be it a family, a tribe, a religion, a way of life, a professional association like IPRA, or however you define your community. It is in these communities that we are able to support each other and work together to overcome the challenges we currently face. Till next time, stay safe
Philippe Borremans
President 2021
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