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Message from the IPRA President: Retrospection and Transition December 2016

Looking back over the past 11 months, the event which most immediately springs to mind is IPRA’s 2016 Golden World Awards for Excellence Gala in Doha, Qatar. This was special for several reasons. Firstly, it was the first time the Gala has taken place in the Gulf region. It offered the many PR practitioners in this region the opportunity to meet and mingle with professional colleagues from elsewhere in the world. The large presence of IPRA members and communication professionals from elsewhere in the world was the second aspect which made this year’s Gala remarkable. The awarding of the Grand Prix to Philips Breathless Choir - in support of the company’s medical solutions for patients suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - was a highlight of the Gala evening. Many of you meanwhile may have seen the outdoor and billboard publicity for this campaign. Those of you who haven’t seen the video showcasing the choir should do so on IPRA’s website here. It is truly great.

The Philips Breathless Choir scoops IPRA Grand Prix

A sensational PR campaign – The Philips Breathless Choir -  created by FleishmanHillard won the top prize in this year’s IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence. The prize was awarded at the 2016 Gala held in Doha, Qatar on 5 November.

Message from the IPRA President: Gold in Qatar October 2016

The time of the IPRA Golden World Award Gala in Doha (Qatar) is rapidly drawing near. The Gala is one of IPRA’s highlights of the year. It is the singular occasion during which IPRA celebrates some of the best public relations work done by PR practitioners across the globe in a great variety of assignments, campaigns and programmes.

Message from the IPRA President: Season of Mists September 2016

The start of Autumn in Europe is perhaps a far cry from the desert heat of the Gulf region, but that is still the area with the key attention of IPRA these days. We are hard at work putting the final touches on the organisation the first Golden World Awards Gala in Doha, Qatar. IPRA’s Board Member Jassim Fahkroo is our man on the ground there and he promises all who attend a rather special experience.

IPRA Asian Task Force supports Comms for UN’s NGO conference in Korea

The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Asian Task Force made a substantial contribution to informing NGOs and others about the 66th UN DPI/NGO Conference in Korea, a fact that was reflected in the excellent participation from the region: 3,750 attendees, most of them from Asia. The strategy of reaching out to media audiences by local/regional public relations professionals is certain to be considered for other important NGO events.

Message from the IPRA President: July August 2016

A Golden Day

IPRA Golden World Awards announces 57 winners

The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence: the world’s most prestigious PR awards scheme, is delighted to announce a total of 57 winners for 2016.

Message from the IPRA President: Dispatches from Abroad June 2016

It is not uncommon for organisers of PR conferences in countries around the world to seek endorsement of IPRA for their programs. There are guidelines for these arrangments, and it is one of these that I would like to share with you. The President of IPRA will usually make a contribution to the conference in question. Thus I have traveled in the past few months to countries geographically and culturally as far apart as Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Iceland.

IPRA echoes the UN’s Finlandia Declaration on press freedom

At a World Press Freedom Day conference in Helsinki, media practitioners, representatives of governments and civil society adopted the “Finlandia Declaration,” calling on UNESCO’s 195 Member States to “reaffirm that press freedom and the right to information are essential for a free, independent and pluralistic media and crucial to the advancement of human rights and sustainable development.”

Message from the IPRA President: Are you among the best in Public relations? May 2016

Make yourself a golden PR person.

IPRA showcases UN’s 66th NGO conference

As the UN prepares for its next NGO Conference, IPRA board member Jim McQueeny from the United States helped showcase on his New York television show this upcoming global conference which takes place in Korea from 30 May to 1 June. The conference will have 48 workshops with expert speakers on various topics revolving around education for global citizenship and the UN sustainable development goals.

IPRA President remembers the Florence Flood of 1966

IPRA 2016 President, Bart de Vries, will speak on the topic of the Florence Flood of 50 years ago, at an event this week in Milan, Italy.

Iceland To Host Global PR Summit June 2016

PR experts from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Tate Museum, Weber Shandwick and VISA are scheduled to present at the Global PR Summit Iceland, taking place from 9-10 June 2016 in Reykjavik. The event is endorsed by IPRA.

Message from the President of IPRA - October 2015

We have enriched our knowledge with the insightful contributions of the invited speakers, as well as with the sharing of best practice.

Message from the President of IPRA - June 2015

In past messages I have described the importance of leadership (a key point in our World Congress in Johannesburg in September), organisational change, and the role of culture and reputation. I will now address some of the roots of misunderstanding and how that may lead to the need for Crisis Management.

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