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IPRA's latest news and notifications

Welcome to Almaty, Kazakhstan to attend the International PR-Forum

Have you ever wondered, which country is the largest landlocked one in the world? If you look at the map of Eurasian Continent between Russia and China with Caspian Sea on the West and Mongolia on the East there will be Kazakhstan, the world's 9th largest country by territory (2.7 million sq.km).

IPRA International Congress 2015 chooses XL Millennium

XL Millennium Conference and Event Company has been appointed by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) to handle the logistic services and management of the 2015 IPRA World Conference which will be held in Johannesburg in 2015.

Message from IPRA President 2014, April

Spring is in the air forthe communication sector now that April’s here (at least for the Northern hemisphere!)

Public Relations Credo

I believe there exist extra dimensions to the practice of professional public relations which must be present in almost equal measure before an initiative can be so termed and which grant it societal meaning and community worth.

Message from IPRA President 2014, March

Communication, marketing and PR sectors are revitalized all over the world now that Spring is on the horizon.  

Amybel Sánchez de Walther elected President of IPRA for year 2015

After being a member of International Public Relations Association (IPRA) for over 8 years and the Representative for Latam since 2010, Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther- a well-known Peruvian public relations professional- was elected President of IPRA for term 2015, the year of the 60th anniversary of the prestigious association. 

Season's greetings from the IPRA president 2013

I can't appreciate if I have been a great president or not but I have done my best to serve the organization, to protect its legacy and to make its voice heard.

The IPRA World Congress 2015 comes to South Africa

The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) will, for the first time, be hosting its World Congress in South Africa in 2015 and choosing Johannesburg as their preferred venue following a successful bid from Joburg Tourism.

IPRA at the European Parliament

IPRA  has participated in a series of  consultations with the European Commission and European Parliament in Brussels to discuss the EU's voluntary lobbyists register and its code of conduct. Most recently, on 15 October, Philip Sheppard IPRA Board member, gave evidence to a working group of members of the European Parliament (MEPs). The group was chaired by European Parliament Vice-President Rainer Wieland and  the meeting attended by European Commission Vice-President Šefčovič.

Alastair Campbell to give a keynote speech at the IPRA Central & Eastern Europe Conference

The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman, press secretary and director of communications and strategy will give the keynote speech at the regional IPRA conference “Unleashing the power of smart communications”, which will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 6th of November. The conference, organized by Bulgarian communications consultancy United Partners, will cover trending topics for communications and marketing professionals from the transition public relations is undergoing to digital and regional challenges that marketers and communicators are facing in a world of change.

PRA announces the winners of the GWA 2013

IPRA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Golden World Awards

Sharm El Sheikh hosts Arab International Public Relations Conference

The Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO) organized the First Arab International PR Conference 2013; in the charming city of Sharm El Sheikh. The conference was organized in partnership with the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) and Rada Research & Public Relations (The technical arm of the conference).

Twitter is the world´s largest PR company

In 1984 I saw Apple´s Macintosh launch and that changed my life. I decided to promote technology and asked myself: “where do I start ?”, “what is the first thing you do to inform people?”

Zehra Güngör: Turkey is flying high

My being elected president of the IPRA is as important for the country of which I am a citizen as it is for me personally. Not only am I there as someone representing my country, the 50th president of a enormous world organization is also going to be from Turkey!

IPRA Golden World Awards has a new final entry deadline for the competition

Due to numerous requests, we have extended the deadline for entries. Now 4 June is the new last day that late entries will be accepted with payment of a late fee.

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